Author Topic: 7 Early Warning Signs of Stroke Everyone Should Know  (Read 2021 times)

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Mr. Rasel

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7 Early Warning Signs of Stroke Everyone Should Know
« on: October 02, 2019, 02:02:12 PM »
It is normal for your heart to beat faster when you climb a set of stairs or doing any kind of workout. But, if you had been feeling any weird and abnormal heart symptoms, then these can be the warning signs of a stroke.
Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability in many countries across the globe. People most often, don’t realize that they have a stroke immediately based on just symptoms, which is why regular screening with a physician is extremely vital to keep your body strong and healthy.
When a person has a stroke, it means that he/she is not getting enough blood for the brain.
The lack of oxygen in the brain kills in cells that are served by a particular blood vessel and the body part which is controlled by these cells stops working as a result.
In such cases, the person needs immediate medical attention to avoid chances of brain damage.

There are two Types of Strokes:

•   Ischemic Stroke: A part of the brain will lose flow of blood
•   Hemorrhagic Stroke: Bleeding starts within the brain.
•   The risk factors for Stroke include:
•   High cholesterol
•   Smoking
•   Diabetes
•   High blood pressure
•   Old age

Sometimes there may be no warning signs of a stroke until it occurs, which is why high blood pressure which is one of the most common causes of stroke is called a silent killer.
Leaning the warning signs of Stroke is vital in order to minimize the consequences and life-threatening events.

How to Identify the Early Signs of Stroke:

It is very important to recognize the early signs of a stroke and thankfully there are some easy ways to do so. FAST will help you to quickly identify the signs of a stroke.

•   Face Drooping:
When the person is asked to smile, the smile may look uneven and one side of the face goes numb.
•   Arm Weakness:
One of the arms will feel numb or weak.
•   Speech difficulty:
The affected person may find difficulty in speaking and can sound slurred
•   Time to call help:
If a person shows any of the following signs, call for medical help immediately.

Often, the person may observe multiple symptoms which include:

1. Loss in Motor Functions:
When someone is having a stroke, the specific part of the brain which lacks flow of blood will stop working. A person can lose function of an arm or a leg and even find it difficult to speak.

2. Body Weakness:

If you feel sudden weakness in your body without any apparent reason and lose sense of coordination; these can be warning signs of stroke. It will happen suddenly and will be noticeable.

3. High Blood Pressure:
High blood pressure is linked to many heart illnesses and strokes. If you see a change in your blood pressure, consult a doctor and go for appropriate medication to reduce the risk.

4. Drooping Face:
If you suddenly feel that your face has gone numb from one side and is drooping. Remember FAST and call for a physician immediately.

5. Excessive Headache:
Hemorrhagic stroke can cause the blood to pour in to the brain and this leads to a sudden increased pressure on this delicate organ. People, who have this type of stroke, complain about have severe headaches and change in mental status.

6. Body goes Numb on One side:
A person who is having stroke might notice one side of the body going numb. The affected person would feel difficulty in raising an arm or a leg.

7. Sudden Dizziness:

During a stroke, it is a very common sign to suddenly feel light headed or dizzy. This can happen without any reason and even if you had been eating properly.

Other possible less frequent symptoms:

• Sudden nausea and vomiting
• Hiccups
• Pin and needles sensation anywhere in the body
• Memory loss
• Behavioural changes
• Muscle stiffness
• Blurred vision or trouble in one or both eyes
• Difficulty in swallowing
• Involuntary eye movements
• Shortness of breath
• Pain in the chest
• Confusion
• Pain in the face and limbs
• Convulsions

Source: Right Home Remedies