Author Topic: How to Cure Constipation Quickly and Naturally  (Read 3745 times)

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Mr. Rasel

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How to Cure Constipation Quickly and Naturally
« on: October 02, 2019, 01:06:45 PM »

Constipation is said to be a common problem of thousands of people in all over the world. People do such efforts to get rid of constipation but sometimes it can be difficult. The people who have chronic constipation are much eager to find a perfect and permanent solution. If you are also one of them who are searching for natural treatment, then this article can help you for sure.

Though there are numbers of solution available in the market, who claims to treat constipation, they never provide you the permanent solution. Even a person can be habitual of those medicines.

Constipation simply means that hard and dry stool passing with high pressure. Constipation also includes the heavy abdomen, stomachache, dizziness, headache, stress, mouth ulcer and acidity. Poor eating habits, drinking less water, pregnancy, less physical activity, depression, and any disease can be responsible for constipation.

Let’s take a closer look at best remedies & treatments for constipation:

1. Lime:

Lime is a perfect remedy for reduces constipation and digestive issues. You can have lemon at your home and they just not increase the taste of the food but also have many health benefits. Lemon includes vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to clean the bowl system and push up the dry and hard stool.

2. Drink Plenty of Water:

Drinking plenty of water in a day can solve many health issues in few days. Water helps to keep you hydrated and flush out all the toxins and waste material from the body. According to the science, a healthy person must drink 8 to 10 glass water in a day.
Drinking enough water makes your digestive system healthy and reduces chronic constipation, reduces acidity, and relieves stress as well. Drinking water is an ancient remedy for several diseases.

3. Figs:

Figs are the rich source of high fibres, which work as a natural laxative. Figs have an anti-inflammatory property which reduces the heaviness and acidity causes constipation. You can use dried and fresh figs for reducing constipation. If you find the fresh figs, then eat them directly without removing the skin because the skin has many important components that can improve bowl management and digestive system.

4. Honey:

Organic and raw honey is said to be a panacea for treating several health and beauty issues. Honey has also an anti-inflammatory component, which helps to reduce constipation in few days as well as its laxative quality makes the things movable.

5. Flax Seeds:

Flax seeds are also beneficial for treating constipation and chronic constipation. Flax seeds include high fibre and Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium and potassium and several minerals and vitamins, which help to solve the abdomen disorders and bowel discomfort.

6. Dried Plums:

Dried plums or prunes are the rich sources of fibre. The use of prunes makes your digestive system healthy and expel out the waste material with an easy and fast. Prunes are known for killing constipation and the people who want a quick and a perfect solution for constipation; they must eat prunes on the regular basis.

7. Magnesium-Rich Diet:

Magnesium-rich diet can be also effective for reducing and treating constipation. The people who have much abdomen and constipation trouble, they have less consumption of magnesium, which leads through several stomach troubles.

You must include green and leafy veggies to your diet chart like spinach, broccoli, okra etc, with that you should eat a well-ripped banana, papaya and orange etc, which help to reduce the inflammation and acidic effect of constipation. Fish can be also a great option for treating constipation. Also, drink a lot of water that will keep you hydrated from inside.
Pregnant women, people with kidney issues must not take magnesium. Do not consume more than 350 mg of this or consult the expert before.

8. Exercise:

Lack of physical exercise and movements is also a major reason for constipation. The exercise promotes the abdomen muscle movements and makes the digestion system healthy and constipation free. If you don’t want to do heavy lifts and moves, then you can also do simple walking or cycling, both are quite effective for constipation, bloating and acidity.

9. Spinach:

Spinach is a healthy and delicious vegetable as well as beneficial for constipation. Spinach contains calcium and phosphorus and several minerals and vitamins, which has an ability to cure constipation, clean your bowl system and keep your intestine healthy and strong.

Source: Right Home Remedies