Author Topic: Why does neck pain occur?  (Read 1604 times)

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Rasel Ali (IT)

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Why does neck pain occur?
« on: December 22, 2022, 04:12:26 PM »
Sometimes we feel pain in the neck. In some cases, these neck pains are not very serious and get better within a few days. But sometimes neck pain can be a sign of a serious injury or illness.

Causes of neck pain:

1. If the neck muscles are strained and strained:

Bad habits in daily activities can cause neck pain, such as sitting or working in the wrong posture, working at a desk for too long without changing position, neck posture while sleeping, and neck jerking during exercise.

2. Injury:

The neck is more vulnerable to falls, car accidents and various sports injuries. On the other hand, a broken neck bone (cervical vertebrae) can also damage the spine. Neck injuries from sudden head jerks are commonly called whiplash.

3. Heart attack:

A sudden heart attack or high blood pressure can cause neck pain, accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, nausea or vomiting, arm or jaw pain. In this situation, you should go to the hospital immediately.

4. Meningitis:

A thin tissue surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Bacterial infection or inflammation of this thin tissue is called meningitis. Symptoms of meningitis are headache, nausea or vomiting, sensitivity to light, fever. Meningitis can be fatal. So if someone has symptoms of meningitis, they should go to the medical center immediately.

5. Diseases of the neck and its surrounding area, which put too much pressure on the muscles or bones of the neck:

There are diseases in which the neck and surrounding muscles become weak, causing the weight of the head to fall on the neck bones. For example:
Rheumatoid arthritis: This disease causes pain, swelling of bone joints and bone abnormalities. If they are in or around the neck, neck pain may occur.
Osteoporosis: This weakens the bones and can lead to small fractures. Osteoporosis often occurs in the hands or knees, but it can also occur in the neck, causing pain.Dispositions: Cervical disc degeneration can occur as you age. This is known as dispositions or osteoarthritis of the neck. This reduces the space between the vertebrae and puts pressure on the joints.
Slipped disc: When a vertebral disc protrudes from any trauma or injury, it can put pressure on the spine. This is called a herniated cervical disc, also known as a ruptured or slipped disc.Spinal Stenosis: Spinal stenosis occurs when the spine becomes narrow and compressed. This can be from long-term inflammation due to arthritis or other illnesses.
bacterial infection,
Abscesses on or under the skin of the neck,
Cancer of the spine.
So in case of neck pain, especially chronic pain, consult a doctor instead of sitting at home. Maybe, your neck pain is signaling some other complex problem in the body.

Source : Daffodil Medical center(DIU)
Dr. Shushanto Kumar  Gosh