Author Topic: What happens to the body without a shower for over two days?  (Read 1992 times)

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Rasel Ali (IT)

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What happens to the body without a shower for over two days?
« on: September 19, 2023, 06:05:29 PM »
My physical education teacher said clearly that adults need a shower everyday to remove sweat, grime as well as dead skin, dead hair and of course excess pathogens on the skin. Skipping a day or two is okay but after several days you run the risk of getting bacterial or fungal growths that look horrible.

I went some days without showering/bathing and I got a nasty impetigo bacteria that was quite hard to treat with doctors antibiotic creams and pills. It took two months to heal and has even after that left me with small pale scars.

Don´t risk it—shower often! Pathogens can potentially take your life away!